Saturday, March 3, 2012

Seed Starting 2012

I started my seeds inside on Saturday February 25.  I had seeds left over from last year that I stored in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.  I bought the soil and pot at a local big box store.  The seeds are from Seeds of Change.

I used organic seeds and organic seed starter soil. 

I also decided that instead of using round pots like I did last year, I would use small square ones.  They are biodegradable and break up into the soil once planted.  They look more like flats you buy at the nursery.

I bought plastic green Jiffy greenhouses at the store.  They have a black plastic bottom and a clear plastic top.  This helps to keep the heat and moisture in.

The peat pots go into the bottom of the greenhouse and filled them with soil.

Next, I used a pencil to make a hole in the middle of each pot.  This makes it easier to plant the seeds.

Then I add the seeds and make sure I label them.  Use the pencil to write on the labels because pencil does not wash off the labels like ink does.  You will be glad you did this after the seeds are in the garden.

After everything is planted, I placed the lids on the greenhouses, placed the greenhouses on seedling heat mats and watered each one. I keep my seeds on a folding table in the guest room.

Once the seeds sprout, turn on your heat lamps or place them in a sunny location.  I also turn a fan on to simulate the wind the plants will experience outside.  It helps the stems get strong.  You do not want to have the fan on too high, just a light breeze. Be aware that the fan will dry out your soil, so keep on top of watering.

Once the time to plant has come in your area, acclimate them to being outside for a week by placing them outside in a shaded area for a few hours per day and work up to more hours and more light until they are ready to be planted.  If you out them out in direct sunlight right away, you will burn them and kill them.

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