Monday, February 7, 2011

Envirocycle Composter

My brother told me that he was going to get me a new composter for Christmas this year.  He told me to find the one I want and to order it.  This was quite a treat for me - I have been looking for a new compost bin for a while.  I have one of those large bins where you put in the materials from the top and take it from the bottom through a sliding door.  The problem with it is that it is too deep for me to mix it.  This means the compost takes a long time to break down because the water and air does not get into it like is should. 

When I found the Envirocycle Composter, I was excited.  This is a round composter that you can roll to mix and aerate.  The water gets into it as well, so it gets what it needs to make compost quickly.  I have ordered it and cannot wait for it to arrive.  I will review it after using it for a while.  I am going to keep the old bin as a holding area while I make compost in this one.  I hope it goes well.

Here it is

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