Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend in the Veggie Garden 2013

This was the weekend of the vegetable garden.  I have been so busy at work and the spring was so cold and rainy I have been unable to get into the vegetable garden.  I was actually disappointed that this far into the season all I was growing was weeds.  I took a half a day off from work in Friday and spent the afternoon in the garden.  My dad even came over to give me a hand.  We spent three hours getting my vegetable beds into shape. Saturday afternoon was spent putting together my containers with annuals and planting basil plants in the vegetable beds.  Sunday morning I found myself planting beans.

We weeded my strawberry patch and found it full of ripe strawberries ready to be picked.  Unfortunately, my herbs did not fair too well over the winter. My Bay Laurel bush, Oregano, thyme and Rosemary did not make it through.  On the bright side, the chives, mint and sage are all flourishing. 

The remaining area of the garden was just full of weeds.  We weeded the entire thing and found a nice surprise - three tomato plants growing which were seeded from last years fallen tomatoes.  I have no idea what kind of tomatoes they are and look forward to finding out.  We put the three volunteers in cages.  I now have to go purchase some more tomato plants, pepper, and eggplant to help fill in the bed.

We put compost out from one of my bins.  The Envirocycler bin was finally all broken down and ready to go into the garden.  Unfortunately, water got in and the bin was very heavy.  We spread out the compost along the trellis are where I planted three kinds of organic beans.  I found Burpee Organic seeds at Home Depot and was happy to plant them on the trellis where they will take up little room:  Provider Green Beans, Garden Wax Beans (these are yellow) and Royalty Purple Pod Beans. The Wax and Purple are bush beans but the trellis can help give them support and keep them upright. I think the three colors of beans will be provide me with a nice variety for dinners. 

I also planted Early Russian Cucumbers along the trellis.  They are an early variety which is good considering I am getting started so late in the season. The seeds are organic from Seeds of Change.  I planted two rows each of Cozelle Bush Zucchini, Wildcat F-1 Zucchini, Golden Bush Zucchini and Butternut Squash.  I planted so many because every year I get squash vine borers and I am hoping to get as many as I can until they invade.  I also planted one row of Scotland leeks.  I would like to see if I can get some more seeds and plant carrots and rutabaga,, but the summer is getting away from me in terms of growing time.

It felt really good to be back in the garden.  My veggie bed may be a bit behind but the warmth of the days and nights ahead will bring me rewards before I know it.

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