Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 26, 2012 Garden

I worked in the garden in between the rain storms of the day.  I was able to get quite a bit done on my trellis area of the yard.  I decided that this year I am going to try vertical gardening on the trellises.  This will give me more room in the bed I usually use and also it is an away from the area where I have the squash vine borer worms.  The area had some weeds so I removed those.  It also is not the best soil - there are many rocks in this area.  I put down some Miracle Gro Organic Choice Soil in this area to help amend the soil and to give me something good to plant in.  I planted Lemon Cucumbers, Early Russian Cucumbers, Butternut Squash, Yellow Crooked Neck Squash and Green Bush Beans.  I hope that this upward growth will keep the fruits from rotting and give me a good yield.  Check back to see how it it is going.  Here are some photos I took to show my work.

Here is a metal garden decoration I bought.  I planted some red annuals to give the garden a punch of color.
Close up of the trellis area. I planted on the front and back sides to provide space and good growth.
Looking down the trellis area.  There are four panels.

Looking north.  The beans are on the left 2 panels, squash on the third and cucumbers on the far right.

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