Monday, June 6, 2011

June 6, 2011 Garden Tale

Today I was in the garden and decided to plant some more cucumbers.  My seedlings did not transplant well.  Despite my efforts to acclimate them to the outdoors, I lost several plants, including cucumbers.  This year I have a new garden structure, lattice.  I am using the lattice to grow my cucumbers in an upright fashion.  Past efforts in growing them on tomato cages have been unsuccessful.  In addition to the four plants of Lemon Cucumber and Green Cucumber, I added 6 seeds of each directly sowed into the soil under the lattice.  The soil there is very rocky een after my amendments of compost and peat moss but, I am hoping the cukes will like it anyway.  There is full sun there so they should do well.  I have been never had a good cucumber harvest, so maybe this year will be the one for me.

I also used the lattice to plant Morning Glory seeds.  I got the seeds at a bridal shower as a favor and excited to plant them.  They are a blue variety that are supposed to grow 8-10 feet tall.  If all goes well, my lattice will be full of beautiful blue flowers and cucumbers.

On the other area of the garden, the strawberries are coming in so quickly.  I again picked 5 cups of strawberries.  I clean them and am freezing them for pies, jam or ice cream.  I have to stay on top of these fruit and pick each day because if I miss one day the fruit will rot on the plant.  Here is my pick for the day:

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