Saturday, April 30, 2011

Simple Tomato Sauce

I have been trying to use up my home canned items from my cabinets.  I have been looking at all of those jars on the shelves and was hesitant at first to use them...maybe afraid of running out.  But as it warms up, and I don't like to cook inside during the heat of the summer, I am trying to make some things that I can use in the summer that just needs to be heated up in the microwave.  So I decided to make a simple tomato sauce that can be used on pasta, on chicken or anything else that you want the flavor of the food to shine, not the sauce.  I use this on my chicken parmigiana and eggplant rollatini.  This sauce can be made and frozen for use later.  This recipe is vegetarian and the freshness of the tomatoes really comes through. 

This is more of a method than a true recipe.  I use a ratio of one to one for each of the ingredients, except the oil.  For each quart of tomatoes I use one chopped garlic clove, one tsp of olive oil, one tsp of kosher salt and one basil leaf, then cook for one hour.  It really is simple.  When I make this I use 4 quarts so I have extra for later.  If you are making it in 4, then you only need to triple the oil,  You can use one for a quick meal for 1 and cook it for less time, about 20-30 minutes.


1 TBS Olive oil
4 Garlic cloves, finely chopped or through garlic press
4 Quart of tomatoes
4 tsp Kosher salt
4 Whole Basil leaf

Here's how:

Add the oil to a pot and heat.  Add the garlic and cook 1 minute, do not brown.

Garlic through the press, cooked for 1 minute
Add the tomatoes, salt and basil.

All the ingredients in the pot.
Cook for one hour.  It should be cooked down by 1/3.  You can cook it longer, depending on how thick you like it. 

After one hour, you can see how it has cooked down.
Serve over pasta or freeze for later.

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