Sunday, July 10, 2011

Back in the Garden

After a week away from home for the July 4 holiday, the garden showed it.  My hanging baskets were dry, the peas had died and the weeds had a party.  But, good things showed too.  The cucumbers are climbing the trellis, the green beans are already coming in, the rutabagas are growing, the pumpkin plants are getting big and the zucchini plants have flowers on them.  Most exciting of all, there are tomatoes on the plants as well.  My seedlings were not too strong and I lost half of them, but the plants I bought to replace them are tall and giving fruit.  The oregano is tall and the basil is getting there.  This is a great time of year when the labors of the spring begin to show and you can literally pick the fruits of your labor.  All total, I have 25 cups of strawberries for the season and 2 cups of peas.  I will try to get the peas in sooner next year, because the heat dried them out before more could come in.  Here are my picks from yesterday.

The last peas and the first green beans.

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